Strawberry Hotels: Pioneering Sustainable Hospitality.

An In-Depth Exploration of Episode #07 from Pre-Zero Sports Talk

In the dynamic world of hospitality, where comfort and luxury often take centre stage, a remarkable transformation is taking place. Strawberry Hotels, a notable player in the industry, is not just providing a haven for travellers but is rewriting the narrative with a steadfast commitment to sustainability. In the seventh episode of Pre-Zero Sports Talk, we had the privilege of engaging in an enlightening conversation with Mari Sandrup the Sustainability Analyst, and Maria Andersson, the Sales Director of Meetings representing Strawberry Hotels.

Meet Mari and Maria: The Sustainability Stewards

At the heart of Strawberry Hotels’ sustainability journey are two exceptional individuals, Mari Sandrup and Maria Andersson. With a shared vision and unwavering commitment, these sustainability stewards lead the charge toward a greener and more responsible hospitality landscape.

Mari, the visionary leader steering the ship, shared profound insights into the core strategies and initiatives that shape Strawberry Hotels’ sustainability program. Maria, an integral part of the sales team, provided valuable perspectives on how sustainability intertwines with client interactions, reinforcing the idea that sustainability is not just a departmental concern, but a fundamental aspect woven into the fabric of the entire organization.

Strawberry Hotels’ Sustainability Framework: A Holistic Approach

At the core of Strawberry Hotels’ sustainability efforts lies a holistic approach that transcends traditional boundaries. The vision encompasses not only the environmental aspects but also delves into the realms of social responsibility and community engagement. The podcast shed light on the hotel group’s commitment to a three-pronged sustainability framework, covering the essential pillars of people, planning, and community.

In this ground-breaking conversation, Mari emphasized that Strawberry Hotels operates on a model where sustainability is not an isolated department but an integral part of the entire business strategy. This visionary approach ensures that sustainability is not just a buzzword but a living, breathing commitment ingrained in the organization’s ethos.

Navigating the Challenges: A Strategic Collaboration

Addressing Complexities in Sustainability Management

Managing sustainability across a vast network of 232 hotels poses unique challenges. Mari and Maria shared insights into how Strawberry Hotels effectively addresses these challenges through strategic collaboration and a management-level approach. Instead of isolating sustainability efforts, the hotel group has adopted a comprehensive strategy that involves all employees, from the core management to the sales staff.

Mari emphasized that the key is to integrate sustainability into the overall business strategy, making it a shared responsibility rather than relegating it to specific departments. The collaboration extends beyond internal stakeholders to include external partners, clients, and local communities. Strawberry Hotels actively engages with local communities in the Nordic region, ensuring that sustainability initiatives contribute to the well-being of the areas where their hotels are located.

Empowering Local Communities: A Heartfelt Initiative

The conversation with Mari and Maria unveiled Strawberry Hotels’ impactful initiatives to engage with and support local communities. From the “Lonely Christmas Tree” tradition, where locals and clients contribute gifts for families in need, to collaborating with agencies to provide job opportunities and training, Strawberry Hotels is actively contributing to the social fabric of the Nordic region.

Maria shared that the hotel group’s collaboration with Norwegian Airlines and UNICEF exemplifies their commitment to making a positive impact. The synergy between Strawberry Hotels, the airline, and the humanitarian organization creates a powerful avenue for channelling funds toward impactful projects, showcasing the hotel group’s dedication to global sustainability beyond its immediate surroundings.

Sustainability in the Sales Arena: A Client-Centric Approach

Maria, being a part of the sales team at Strawberry Hotels, provided valuable insights into how sustainability plays a pivotal role in interactions with diverse clients. Whether dealing with corporate clients, event agencies, travel agencies, or regular guests, the sales team actively incorporates sustainability into discussions. Maria highlighted the increasing number of client inquiries related to sustainability and the importance of being well-prepared to address these queries.

The sales team, in collaboration with the sustainability department, ensures that they not only understand the sustainability initiatives but also actively contribute to the dialogue. Strawberry Hotels views client interactions as an opportunity to gather insights into the evolving preferences and expectations related to sustainability. This client-centric approach shapes the hotel group’s strategic plans, ensuring alignment with the sustainability goals of both Strawberry Hotels and its clients.

Sports and Sustainability: A Winning Collaboration

Engaging with the Sports Industry

Strawberry Hotels extends its sustainability initiatives to the sports industry, collaborating closely with sports organizations and teams. Mari and Maria highlighted the positive reception from the sports sector, emphasizing the shared focus on people’s well-being and experiences. The hotel group actively learns from sports organizations and endeavours to create mutually beneficial partnerships.

The conversation touched upon the collaboration with the Swedish Sports Association and the hotel group’s dedicated team working on sports-related sustainability initiatives. Strawberry Hotels recognizes the influential role sports play in society and leverages these partnerships to promote sustainable practices and glean insights and knowledge from the sports industry.

Transparent Reporting on Carbon Emissions

Strawberry Hotels prides itself on its transparent approach to measuring and managing carbon emissions. Mari detailed the comprehensive system in place at the hotels, tracking daily consumption of energy, water, waste, food waste, house linen, and chemicals. This meticulous monitoring allows the hotel group to calculate its CO2 emissions accurately.

The transparency extends beyond measurement, with Strawberry Hotels actively working on a roadmap to achieve its ambitious carbon-neutral goal by 2030. Mari emphasized the collaborative effort required from all levels of the organization, including staff, management, and business partners. The hotel group’s commitment to transparency in reporting and actionable steps sets a commendable standard in the hospitality industry.

Eliminating Single-Use Plastic

Strawberry Hotels has taken a bold stance on single-use plastic, eliminating its use across its properties. The hotel group opts for more giant dispensers in hotel rooms, reflecting a conscious effort to reduce environmental impact. This commitment aligns with the global push toward sustainable practices and showcases Strawberry Hotels as a leader in the hospitality industry’s fight against single-use plastic.

Climate Shifts and Changing Travel Trends

As climate shifts impact popular tourist destinations, the Nordic region is emerging as a sought-after alternative. Maria highlighted the change in travel trends, with clients opting for cooler destinations in Mediterranean countries due to extreme weather conditions. With its perceived sustainability and environmental consciousness, the Nordic region is gaining popularity among travellers.

The conversation acknowledged the complexities of balancing tourism growth with sustainability concerns. While acknowledging the potential challenges of mass tourism, Strawberry Hotels sees an opportunity to showcase sustainable practices to a broader audience. The collaborative efforts of the hotel group and the Nordic region aim to create a model for responsible tourism, ensuring a positive impact on both the environment and local communities.

Strawberry Hotels’ Approach to Regional Collaboration

Strawberry Hotels operates in a landscape governed by various regulations and policies. Mari highlighted the symbiotic relationship between the hotel group and the regions in which it operates. While acknowledging the strict rules and policies in the Nordic region, Strawberry Hotels collaborates effectively with local authorities, ensuring compliance with regulations.

The conversation emphasized that collaboration extends beyond mere adherence to regulations. Strawberry Hotels actively engages with regional partners, keeping a pulse on the evolving tourism landscape. This collaborative approach positions the hotel group not just as a compliant entity but as a proactive participant in shaping sustainable tourism practices within the regions it serves.

Preparing for the Corporate Sustainability Report: A Milestone in 2026

A significant milestone awaits Strawberry Hotels in 2026 as the hotel group prepares for its first Corporate Sustainability Report (CSDRD). This report will encapsulate the comprehensive efforts across people, planning, and community, providing tangible proof of Strawberry Hotels’ commitment to sustainability.

Mari emphasized the importance of showcasing actions rather than making promises. The forthcoming report will serve as a testament to Strawberry Hotels’ dedication to transparency and accountability, setting a precedent for the hospitality industry.

Wrapping Up Season 1 and Teasing Season 2

As we conclude this deep dive into Strawberry Hotels’ sustainability journey, we reflect on their inspiring commitment to shaping a greener and more responsible hospitality landscape. Mari Sandrup and Maria Andersson have provided invaluable insights into Strawberry Hotels’ sustainability program’s multifaceted strategies, challenges, and successes.

As Season 1 of Pre-Zero Sports Talk wraps up, we anticipate the forthcoming Season 2, where the focus will shift to the intersection of sustainability, sports events, and innovation. The engaging discussions and insightful interviews promise to continue championing positive change, offering a platform for exploring the evolving landscape of sustainability.

Listen to the full episode now or on your favourite podcast platform.