From Waste to Wear: The Story of REFLO’s Sustainable Activewear

Discover the journey of REFLO, a sustainable activewear brand that transforms waste into stylish sportswear while positively impacting the environment and communities.

Reflo's Futureproof Apparel: Transforming Recycled Plastic Waste Into Sustainable Activewear
REFLO’s Futureproof Apparel: Transforming Recycled Plastic Waste Into Sustainable Activewear

In today’s world, where sustainability has become a pressing concern, the fashion industry has a significant role in reducing its environmental footprint. Activewear has grown in popularity due to the growing interest in fitness and sports. However, the production and disposal of activewear can harm the planet. Enter REFLO, a groundbreaking brand that has revolutionised the activewear industry with its sustainable practices and commitment to creating a positive impact.

We had the privilege of speaking with Rory MacFadyen, Co-founder of REFLO sustainable activewear, in our latest Podcast Episode. Our conversation delved deep into the remarkable journey of REFLO, covering topics such as their inception, production process, commitment to combating greenwashing, partnership with the Eden Reforestation Project, benefits of sustainable activewear, and practical tips for leading an eco-conscious lifestyle. Join us as we explore the transformative story of REFLO and discover how they are making a positive impact on the world.

The Inspiration and Beginnings

REFLO was born out of a vision to transform waste into wearable fashion while minimizing the environmental impact. With a passionate advocacy for sustainability, REFLO challenged conventional activewear production and design thinking methods. The brand emerged with a deep understanding of the fashion industry’s shortcomings and a strong desire to provide a better alternative.

Redefining Activewear Production

REFLO’s production process sets it apart from traditional activewear brands. By employing innovative manufacturing techniques, the brand ensures that its garments are stylish, functional, and sustainable. Using recycled materials, such as post-consumer plastic waste, forms the foundation of REFLO’s approach. These materials are meticulously transformed, producing high-quality fabrics that rival traditional sportswear textiles.

The Power of Purpose

Reflo's Partnership with Eden Reforestation Project
Reflo’s Reforestation Project

At the core of REFLO’s mission lies a commitment to positively impacting both the environment and communities. The brand’s partnership with the Eden Reforestation Project is a testament to its dedication to reforestation and ecosystem restoration. REFLO pledges to plant a tree for every product sold, contributing to global efforts in combating deforestation and promoting biodiversity. This purpose-driven approach sets REFLO apart, as it goes beyond simply creating sustainable activewear and actively contributes to the greater good.

Sustainable Design Thinking

Sustainable Design Thinking
Sustainable Design Thinking

REFLO’s design process embraces sustainability at every step. The brand takes a holistic approach, considering materials, longevity, and reusability. Garments are crafted for durability, reducing replacements. Prioritising quality, REFLO promotes an eco-conscious lifestyle, shifting away from fast fashion.

Active Regeneration: Beyond Greenwashing

The Greenwashing Syndrome
The Greenwashing Syndrome

Greenwashing, a term often associated with brands that use deceptive marketing tactics, is a prevalent concern in the fashion industry. However, REFLO approaches greenwashing differently. The brand practices “good greenwashing” by transparently communicating sustainable practices and positive impact. Educating consumers about environmental and social benefits builds trust and connection.

REFLO’s Greenwashing: Pioneering Transparency and Genuine Environmental Care

In an industry often plagued by deceptive marketing tactics and empty sustainability claims, REFLO stands out for its commitment to transparency and genuine environmental care. As Rory MacFadyen, Co-founder of REFLO, explains, “The only greenwashing we do is in the washroom.” REFLO takes a proactive approach to ensure that their clothes are handled in a way that minimises negative impacts, such as the release of micro plastics into waterways and oceans.

REFLO’s Greenwashing: Making a Positive Impact Beyond the Washroom

The brand goes beyond mere lip service by offering plastic microplastics wash filters on their website at cost price. However, these filter bags act as a barrier, preventing the release of harmful microplastics during the washing process. Instead REFLO not only encourages customers to wash their clothes responsibly but also actively provides solutions to mitigate the environmental impact of synthetic clothing. This genuine commitment to transparency and responsible practices sets REFLO apart from the prevalent greenwashing practices seen throughout the industry.

Making Waves in the Industry

As a relatively young brand, REFLO has quickly gained attention and recognition for its sustainable activewear line. However, some have noticed a perceived focus on men’s products compared to women’s options. Rory MacFadyen, in an interview, addresses this observation by explaining that REFLO’s product line is continually evolving. While the current offerings may seem skewed, the brand is actively working on expanding its range for women and exploring opportunities for junior and children’s activewear in the future.

Ensuring Quality and Durability

Quality and durability are paramount in the activewear industry, and REFLO understands the importance of delivering products that meet customer expectations. Through rigorous testing and quality control measures, the brand ensures that its sustainable activewear stands the test of time. REFLO’s commitment to durability goes hand in hand with its sustainable practices. By creating long-lasting garments, the brand reduces the need for frequent replacements, ultimately reducing waste and the overall environmental impact.

Empowering Communities

REFLO’s impact goes beyond environmental sustainability. The brand is deeply committed to supporting communities and creating positive change. Through partnerships with local organisations and initiatives, REFLO actively uplifts and empowers communities, particularly those affected by environmental challenges. By responsibly sourcing materials and supporting fair labour practices, REFLO strives to create a supply chain that benefits all stakeholders.

Designing a Sustainable Future

Looking ahead, REFLO envisions itself as the leading innovator in sustainable sportswear. Rory MacFadyen, with unwavering determination, shares his vision of REFLO becoming the most sustainable apparel brand globally. The brand’s commitment to continuous improvement and staying at the forefront of technological advancements ensures that REFLO will evolve with the changing landscape of sustainability. While the specifics of what REFLO will offer in ten years may be uncertain due to the fast pace of technology, one thing is certain – REFLO’s dedication to pushing boundaries and creating positive change will remain unwavering.

Embrace a Sustainable Activewear Lifestyle

REFLO’s journey from waste to wear inspires the fashion industry and consumers. The brand’s commitment to sustainability, innovation, and social responsibility sets a new standard for activewear companies. By choosing REFLO, consumers can consciously support a brand that aligns with their values and actively contributes to a better future.


REFLO’s story showcases the power of purpose-driven businesses in tackling sustainability challenges within the fashion industry. Through its innovative production methods, commitment to environmental restoration, and focus on creating durable and stylish activewear, REFLO is paving the way for a more sustainable future. By wearing REFLO’s sustainable activewear, individuals can look good and feel good about the positive impact they are making on the planet and communities. It’s time to embrace a sustainable activewear lifestyle with REFLO – where fashion and sustainability go hand in hand.

Listen to the full episode.